Sunday, January 6, 2008


There's no real consensus regarding this Christian holiday. It could be when the Magi discovered the infant Jesus. Or, it could be when Jesus was baptized (according to Eastern Orthodox churches.) It's definitely the end of the 12 days of Christmas. (Where's my ten Lords a leapin'??) Today I had my own epiphany. I have them fairly frequently.

I was investigating Sufism. I did not realize that Sufis are Islamic mystics. Sufism is to Islam, as Zen is to Buddhism, or as Gnosticism is to Christianity -- the Inner Knowing. I knew it was another ancient Persian sect, famous for the Whirling Dervish. Now I know why they whirl ;) They're Enlightened! (Gordon, you should have said so!)

All the major organized religions have an experiential component. Cabbalists are the mystical seers of the Jewish religion. Gnostics receive divine guidance without Priests or Pastors to assist them. Zen is a direct transmission of knowledge without anyone uttering a word. Taoists were the original Chinese mystics. Sufis are those who have awakened and understand the Way (Muhammad's Way.) What I find fascinating is a statement that Sufis appear during times when Islamic fervor and Muslim misinterpretation is rampant. So, there must be a significant Sufi supply now (and in fact, web sources indicate there are.) Really interesting is the original name of an Egyptian Sufi sect was Al-Kindi. They were here to speak against evil perversion of Islamic teachings. Now, look how perverse that has become -- twisted into the current Al-Qaeda, exactly the opposite of what the Sufis were trying to convey.

And, even though the Sufis are here to correct distortions of the teachings, they still believe a strict code is necessary for daily life. So it's said there can be no Sufism without Islam. Muslims believe that the Qur'an is the literal word of God (Allah) as recited to Muhammad through the Angel Gabriel. Sufis also believe this, but they continue to receive insights and inner guidance on how to interpret the message.

So there you have a Zen/Taoist perspective on Islam on this Christian holiday. It's not blasphemy -- just insight. I think perhaps I should write a Peace Treatise. We certainly need one.