Thursday, November 17, 2011

Lha Bab Duchen

AKA "Tachyon Bombardment" Wow, today was an important "holy day" in the Tibetan Buddhist world. A day we are to remain mostly silent or doing good deeds, in honor of the historic Buddha's "return to Earth." Doesn't that raise an eyebrow? Return? Where had he been? This is straight from a Buddhist text:
Buddha had been teaching celestial beings, including his mother, in one of the god realms. A disciple begged him to return to the human world, and so Shakyamuni descended from the god realm on three ladders made of gold and gems.

The god realm, really? Or as Ancient Alien theorists would say, maybe a spaceship? From the first time I saw the beautiful Thangka shrine art I zereo'd in on the blue beings. Why so many otherworldly entities in the Tibetan art? Imagine my amazement when I heard about the "Celestial visitations." JUST LIKE MY OWN??

I won't go into the whole Celestial story here (parts of it are in AKS and more to come when I release the Cosmic Revelations in 2012), but yesterday, I was dipping in and out of the recently-released abridged Exegesis of Philip K. Dick, and of course there it all was again: Phil's experiences with the pink beams, celestial visions, and his "tachyon bombardment." The latter his term for the sensation of being beamed insights. While some of this may seem odd or weird to you, it's the stuff I've been dealing with for years -- before, during and now after the writing of my novel. And with the blur of Tibetan lore, VALIS, Ancient Aliens, and my own Transmissions, I guess there is no escaping the fact I will continue to be immersed in these concepts throughout 2012 and Beyond (whatever that might mean.) Crazy? Me or Phil? This surely feels like DeJa Vu all over again ;) Click the book for a podcast about the Exegesis, including a comment I left there. WARNING: the Exegesis can result in severe brain alteration if you spend too much time with it!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

ZiaLink Comments?

Until I figure out how to accept comments on the ZiaLink Ink Publishing site, you'll have to post here. The top priority was getting Beyond the GodForce published for its 11:11 release. The brand new 20th Anniversary eBook Edition is available on Amazon. Exciting!

I'm also working on the Flu pamphlet (mentioned on ZiaLink) and really would love some feedback. Interested in a reliable, healthy alternative to taking a flu shot? Wonder what's in the vaccine and how safe it really is? All of that and more will be in our mini eBook: FLU: the Perpetual Pandemic!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

8th year...

Well, here I go again... my eighth turn of the Nano wheel. Sorry, that's an inside joke for Buddhists (turn of the Dharma wheel.) I'll be combining those two endeavors this time. Spinning the wheel, praying for words. I call this project "Disparate Pieces", a mish-mash of some final work on the GodForce Guidebook, my Vision book and a health booklet. yeah, all are non-fiction. Wanna fight about it? I'm a proud Nano Rebel and I'll do as I please this cycle (every cycle, actually.)

It's not too late to join: National Novel Writing Month or as I call mine -- National Write Whatever You Want Month (NWWYWM) ;)