Sunday, November 30, 2008

Another November, another 50,000 words, another NaNo done! TgIo for sure! But, first one must bask briefly in the feeling of accomplishment, regardless of how one got across the finish line (and some of us had to resort to very strange practices to make it), but in the end, WHO CARES! We've got our banners and purple bars to console us!

Come to mama, little AKS book....

And, may I never work on the damn thing during another NaNo... ever! I'm sure I've said this before, but if I don't Copyright this friggin' thing and move on (.org) then PLEASE just shoot me.

I will copyright on the Solstice (yes, of 2008) and at least have that dickian date on my novel for once and forever. yay! And, as our favorite gal, Scarlett said, "Oh Fiddle Dee -- I'll just think about that tomorrow." I will think about final pre-publication editing next year (when I'm retired.)

Today, I must log off, and go outside -- I've been tied to this keyboard too damn long!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

NaNo Time!

Forget the election, forget the stock market crash, forget that I'm about to retire and have a million things to do so I can LEAVE the office. It's November and that means...
National Novel Writing Month!

Yes, more powerful than a locomotive, able to outrun a speeding bullet, I will leap the high government buildings in a single bound and finish that novel! No plot? No problem -- I am a Chris Baty disciple. We just write! 50,000 words in a month, five thousand every three days -- child's play. Ha!! Carpel tunnel here I come!