Friday, February 11, 2011


It's on, my book blog, Facebook and now it's HERE: PKD Otaku!! The only remaining PKD 'zine with yours truly featured pages 17 - 22. Check it out! BTW, today is 2.11.2011 -- pretty cool. And this is posting... 10, 9, 8, at 1:11

Monday, February 7, 2011


Sorry, I accidently posted the book Errata link to Crypto a few days ago and have been told it screwed up people's RSS feeds when I removed it. So, this is a REAL post, but only to say the Errata for "A Kindred Spirit" is actually on the book blog and that link is: Errata for AKS I also put it in the title here.

This wonky effort will be over soon... it's a final proof/review of errors in the novel before I release the eBook later this month. Yes, exciting: an eBook. And, no Mark, I don't have plans yet for an audio book. I would need my small broadcasting bro to help with that, and he is "indisposed" or detained as it were ;)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Climate Change (aka Ground Hog Day)

I wish Al (Gore) had never used the term "global warming." Even though the planet is heating up from the greenhouse effect (something first discovered in the 1800's, not something Al invented like the Internet ;) the term "warming" is giving the uninformed the ammo they need to mock and dismiss the whole concept.

Monster snow storms and the Cat 5 Cyclone hitting Australia ARE the result of global warming. When arctic air hits tropical air streams, storms form. That was weather 101. Now, as the ocean and tropical jet streams become even warmer, and arctic air dips further south, storms become larger, and more dramatic. This will continue. And, like the flooding in Pakistan and Australia, there will be more coastal crisis as ocean and sea levels rise. Expect the worst, and sadly there's nothing we can do to stop it now. Experts say that even if we stopped fueling cars and emitting carbon dioxide now, what's in the atmosphere is enough to continue this effect for several years. And at the rate glaciers are melting, the damage appears done. BUT, even if you don't believe a word I said, or you think all this is normal cyclical patterns for Earth, the results are the same-- we're in for it. Sea levels ARE rising, storms ARE getting more intense and much larger, and the climate IS changing. The wild ride is here, and it's warmed up to all of ten degrees here in Albuquerque, New Mexico at midday. Last week fruit was freezing in Florida. Soon you won't need to pay to see mega disaster flicks -- just look out your window. "Whoopee, we're all gonna die!" (So, DD, Niki didn't have to chase down Doomsday, it comes to her door in the Sequel ;)