When I posted that comment (question) on Facebook, I wondered what reaction I would get. I thought if a lot of folks knew about this, I'd get some response. I got NONE. Just WTF, basically.
I realize a lot of people just roll their eyes at apocalyptic talk, but if you read my novel you know it begins and ends with Doomsday thoughts. I've always been fascinated with End Times, cryptic Nostradamus prophecy, the Mayan calendar that ends at 2012, and even Revelations. But even I find it incredulous to pinpoint a precise DAY using biblical references. Which version or translation of the bible? and how can two thousand year old material correlate to our Gregorian calendar, adopted around 500 years ago?
Even so I must point out a few
weird things: 1) I've been planning a trip to California (for May), but recently (before I heard of this Rapture date), I developed extreme anxiety about earthquakes. I mean waking up in a cold sweat from nightmares involving "the big one." Today I learned this group claims a major earthquake will start the Rapture, which they say occurs on May 21st. Yes, a few days from now. 2) Back in 1988 I received strange messages -- Cosmic "Transmissions" about End Times. I recalled the date being 2012, but when I checked (this morning), the time frame began in 2011 culminating in 2012. Sorry, but that's downright creepy to me.