UPDATE: May, 2016 I've been blogging on ZiaLink.org for the past year. My book links are there, my social commentary is there, and I'm still VERY active on Twitter. Hardly on FB lately, but ZiaLink is current, or check out 1Zenwoman on Twitter. Thanks!!
Even though I dislike Facebook's prying policies, I have pages there. My ZenWoman personal page, the AKS Book page and even a page for ZiaLink Ink, my publishing biz. Sometimes I'm active on Fbook without anyone knowing, because I'm involved in what is called "secret" groups for PKD fans, writing, and some other secret stuff ;) ha! Some of the groups are not so secret, but still require a request to join.
I love twitter and the idea of micro-blogging. I can't resist commenting on political matters, climate, and should post more of my spiritual insights-- at least promote my eBooks and writing there. I have a personal and book page there, and Izzi even has a K9 Twitter account!
Sometimes in November, I hang out on the NaNoWriMo writing site. Some year I may blog my 50,000 words. (just deleted a bunch of old links here...)
I don't use Google circles, nor do I like or use Linked In.) Forget the AKS book website, which only links to my Author profile page on Amazon.com I've got quite an online presence ;) Of course, I always have since the old BBS days in the 1980s. I think I still have my old, original blog, too... over on Xanga (dates back to 2001), but I'm not going to reactivate that!
Now, please comment and tell me how or where to find YOU!