Monday, February 7, 2011


Sorry, I accidently posted the book Errata link to Crypto a few days ago and have been told it screwed up people's RSS feeds when I removed it. So, this is a REAL post, but only to say the Errata for "A Kindred Spirit" is actually on the book blog and that link is: Errata for AKS I also put it in the title here.

This wonky effort will be over soon... it's a final proof/review of errors in the novel before I release the eBook later this month. Yes, exciting: an eBook. And, no Mark, I don't have plans yet for an audio book. I would need my small broadcasting bro to help with that, and he is "indisposed" or detained as it were ;)

1 comment:

ZenWoman said...

If you don't give a ratz azz about Errata, but want the latest info on the book, just go:

here, let me help you: AKS Book so you don't even have to cut and paste that. Enjoy ;)