That said, the real point of this post is that my Buddhist Teacher, Pema Chodron, reminds us that whenever we feel really challenged (or angry) it’s definitely an opportunity to expand our Practice. In particular the teachings of today's audio were so timely as she described Peace Activists often being the most angry and aggressive protestors. I’ve used her example of this before when she describes turning down the sound on the television and seeing two “red faced men” arguing. You cannot distinguish one side from the other. All you see is anger.
Her point: in pitting opinion against opinion, no progress takes place. You cannot hear the other side when each person is shouting over the other. In the non-violent view (on this International Day of Non-Violence today, honoring Ghandi's birthday 10.2.1869), is it POSSIBLE to stop and actually HEAR another point of view? Ghandi, the Dalai Lama and Pema all claim it is. They teach that we don't have to give up our beliefs, but that we can be open enough to listen and at least agree to disagree. I find it very hard -- nearly impossible -- to listen to those who quickly resort to name-calling. Some right-wing tweeter insisted on calling the peaceful protestors "loons." Of course, I wanted to call him an ignorant asshole. So, where does that get us?? As Pema says, just two red-faced angry people.
We have to find a way back to civil discourse in this country. Congress is at an impasse: Republicans vs. Democrats, liberals vs. conservatives, rich vs. poor, and we find disagreements and differing views escalating on every front. There is no respect or willingness to listen. How do we get out of this stalemate?
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