Sunday, April 1, 2012

the Virus of Joy

I think I can link several disparate topics (of course I can, just a matter if it will make sense to anyone else ;) I've been on quite the mental roller coaster ride the past few days -- obsessing over iOn (WTF?) I have to mention it, if not analyze it a bit, for the other iOn addicts out there (or god forbid, future addicts.) Is iOn a grand hoax or truly the evolution of consciousness? I've been back and forth calling it nonsense one day, then listening again the next. I would LOVE to hear from anyone who has listened to a few of the 4200 hours of iOn radio, Info Farm excerpts, or even "multiple Bob" banter. Then there's the business (commercial biz) of RnA drops. Given my own interest/investment in healing over the past few months -- the Healing Project -- I'm very skeptical of this formula. At Healing Options we are focusing on ancient proven remedies so this potential "snake oil" is a red flag for sure. IF you've tried it or know about it, please chime in.

I've spent HOURS researching both of these topics (iOn and RnA drops) but for now I would rather hear from others. If there is interest, I'll start a dialogue. If not, then move along, or I should say resume your meditation. Far be it from me to try and distract anyone who is "head down" or firmly on the path. I'm over here like a "fart in a skillet", as my Dad used to say, wildly distracted rather than "head down" as I should be with my Vajrayana practice. Comment on that, too, if you'd like (gentle encouragement to get back on the pillow) or indulge in this crazy iOn world if you dare ;)

So, why the Virus of Joy? If we must spread thoughts or "infect" others, as we do through communication and sharing ideas, then let's at least spread happiness and joy, rather than negativity and cynicism. How-iOnic indeed, since I'm disparaging the motives of iOn and those spreading the Message. So, what's the fastest path to your joy? As iOn would say, "enjoy the ride."


ZenWoman said...

It is April Fool's Day you know, so I will let you decide if this is a Grand Hoax, a Fool's Paradise, or if JW and iOn are the real deal. Here's the Information Farm Excerpts , for those who don't have the time, energy or inclination to pour over HOURS of Cash Flow radio (extremely tedious, I must say.)

YOU decide if that sounds intriguing or ridiculous. I thought it sounded like “hillbillies on acid” after listening to the first few Cash Flow shows.

And on a forum where hundreds of folks were analyzing iOn, one guy sums it up this way:
“I've probably listened to nearly 200 hrs the worth of show and archive material and you definitely must separate the wheat from the chaff. But, as entertainment goes, it’s GREAT fun!
iOn’s core message is that we ARE God, and at some point in the far past (even though there is NO TIME as we know it) we descended into matter and gave up our 'power' NOW is the Time to reclaim that power, and Ascend. It also has to do with something about our RNA transforming not our DNA. The radiation levels in our atmosphere are important... using the RnA drops we can transmute radiation to our benefit.
I thought these guys are crazy or just 'Having a Laugh.' Then I called in and started trying to trip them up. That’s not so easy! iOn is very quick witted and difficult to fool. He has answered thousands of questions in real time on the radio, usually to the amazement and satisfaction of the people ringing in.
It certainly gets to the point of information overload and some the stuff is unbelievable. For example,
US aircraft carriers trapped in other dimensions, or some of the paranoia about China and the steel from the World Trade Towers. Some of that talk will lead you to believe it’s just a load of rubbish. BUT, there are hours of questions & answers that will also have you scratching your head and wondering… Is there really something to this?”

Anonymous said...

For anyone who wants an overview of iOn, this is good:

What the heck is iOn?

Anonymous said...

thanks. I wasted a lot of time trying to find the "excerpts." They are under the heading iOn, not Radio iOn, on the HowIonic site. Those radio shows are basically worthless, IMHO.

ZenWoman said...

Well, I agree it's probably best to start with the excerpts (and I did give that link in my first comment), but I've since changed my mind about the Cash Flow shows. I like James Martinez. I think it's an evolutionary process. While some people love iOn's voice and claim he sounds like Truman Capote, it still grates on my nerves. I am going to try the RnA drops, tho. We've ordered some to share in my local "iOn" gang. I'll keep you posted.

Anyone else tried them? Any other iOn listeners who care to comment?