Saturday, January 23, 2010

Green Tea, politically!

This could be the best thing that ever happened to our screwed up political system. The "Tea Party" claims they have a franchise now and owns the Tea Party title. I say it's time to investigate that and see if we can have a Green Tea Party! What could be better? Dump the Dems (who have sold out and hijacked our votes for the last time) and of course, none of that right wing crap either. This should be the old Green Party on steroids. I think the country is finally ripe for both a Green platform and a person like Ron Paul (or at least his values.) What sounded crazy in the past is resonating with more and more middle class voters who have been totally screwed over.
Of course, we'd love Al (Gore), as our leader of the pack. He's one guy who is not embroiled in personal or private scandal (other than a minor light bulb skirmish ;) We'll probably end up with Gary Johnson. OMG! I tried the conventional route with Obama and he's just another old school political hack. We need real reform and we need it NOW! Green Tea, that's for me!

February 6 Update: After seeing parts of Palin talking to the "tea-ers" in Nashville, I wanted to PUKE! More than ever I'm for Green Tea NOW! Her "sassy" sarcastic one-liners can only go so far. This is a radically far-right-religious, fanatically racist bunch. If they had stayed with the tax issues and fiscal responsibility they would have a better shot. With Palin at the helm, they will re-create one part of the original tea party; a shipwreck!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed Jami. I'm in Texas now for a few days. I'll email you when I get home! DP