Tuesday, July 3, 2012

@Writer's Relief (on Twitter) asked if you would rather write your next project with a calligraphy pen or old style typewriter? The answer takes more than 144 characters. I periodically get nostalgic for old technology and tools. Fountain pens, typewriters and sometimes early computers and gadgets seem soooo appealing. I love to look at them and end up collecting some...
but when it comes to actually using them, nah.

Just writing a few notes with this fab old portable 1935 Royal that I bought a few months ago was tiring. Fun, yes, but when you make a mistake, or change your mind, it's exhausting to fix. I own both of these portables and delicious as they are to admire, give me my computer keyboard and Word for serious writing.  Not a pen, iPad, smartphone or typewriter. I want a nice comfy keyboard, big flat WYSiWYG screen and Word. ahhhh! YOU?

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