Saturday, December 13, 2008

What the Bleep?!#&^@!!

I hardly know where to start on this crazy bleepin' Chicago politics story -- but I can tell you it's probably not where you think. Unless some of this surveillance is video and actually shows money changing hands, I'm not sure what these "shocking and appalling" crimes are. If the US Attorney or special investigators weren't able to take out any of the oil thugs that have been in power in Washington for the past eight years -- the REAL "pay for play" -- then what in the world is all this fuss over a few idle threats in Illinois?

Why should Blagojevich resign? Because the media wants him to? Because he's "unfit to serve?" Good grief, George Bush was unfit to serve, killed thousands of innocent soldiers, and plunged the entire world into this Trillion Dollar financial crisis. All the Illinois Governor has done is allegedly make some off-handed comments that he can always claim were simply angry rants and poor judgement. "Taint? Scandal?" or the amazing "incompetent to hold office" -- I find that shocking and appalling. What might we have heard if our own Governor had been bugged? I hope Governor Rod and his "foul mouthed" First Lady hang tough. Cussing is not a crime. Make the investigators haul out their evidence in the light of day in court. So far all we have are a bunch of allegations. I love that he isn't talking on camera, other than, "I'll have a lot to say in the proper forum." Love it! Make the bleepin' media squirm!

Meanwhile, gals, we have our own Governor to ogle! Let the bald or creepy comb-overs or shaved headed dudes make fun of his "bad hair day" -- they're just jealous! We've brought back big bell bottoms and platform shoes, why not big hair?
(Envision the "Hair" musical soundtrack -
Give me a head with hair, long beautiful hair -- Shining, gleaming,Streaming, flaxen, waxen...)
And, there is one thing the media can do -- give us more shots of this sexy Governor in his jogging suit! (I get the last wink on that one!!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree - no one should be convicted by the press based on the "appearance of scandal" - let's withhold judgment until we know what actually happened. Politicians are so predictable - whenever a scandal breaks in the media, they line up to condemn, in an attempt to contrast themselves with the accused.