Wednesday, December 31, 2008

That's a Wrap...

The last day of the year is the first day of the rest of my life.
I'm ending a 25 year career with local government. I've been letting go for awhile. I credit Buddhist Mindfulness training and t'ai chi for that. I know I have far to go in being centered and calm, but I'm not nearly as angry and reactive as I was a couple of years ago. Friends threw a big party for me a week ago at a downtown hotel. It was fabulous having everyone I care for around me. We ate and drank and laughed. Now, I'm done with frustrating government work. Turn the page.

Everyone asks what I'll do next. Creative, fun stuff! In fact, the cathartic release from all that tension already resulted in a burst (ok, explosion) of art, journaling and even something I didn't think there was time to do. By pulling a couple of all-nighters, I was able to whip the novel (AKS) into shape and ship it off to the federal copyright office. eCO staff confirmed today my paperwork was filed correctly, so I think I'm safe to say "A Kindred Spirit" is now protected and can be spoken of aloud!! I've tried to be very careful about using the name and context of the story. I'll be editing and prepping for publication in early 2009 -- very exciting, indeed!

I created an entire word art of possibilities for 2009 and beyond. I'll have no trouble filling my days. I'm getting paid now to relax and have fun! How exciting is that? This year flew by. I hope the future ones go a little slower. I want to savor every free moment. After working 35 years (ten years in broadcasting before government), I am a Free Woman. I can do as I please -- travel or stay put. Write or go to t'ai chi. Read or watch a movie. Learn new things or just walk the dog. Visit friends or meditate. I could go on and on, but enough of that. The only thing I'm concerned about is the economy. Billion dollar ponsi schemes and trillion dollar bailouts are threatening my retirement fund and peaceful plans. I may have to spend my time learning more self-sufficiency skills.

So, good-bye my dear 2008. I captured a piece of you for my novel, and now must let you go. Who knows what 2009 will bring -- only time will tell. Happy New Year !!

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