Today (Feb 12) marks five full years of not smoking. So I thought I deserved a little gift. Back to the future with this 1935, "model A", crinkle finish Royal portable. Remember my post of last July,
Analog Underground? Well, I couldn't resist this beauty. It's practically perfect. An investment, as I see it.
I'll write more, later. For now I just wanted to post a pic of the Silky Baby (as Darlene at
John's Mechanical Antique Repair Shop called her.) And, some of my pens, too.

I must say, the computer keyboard is more efficient, but the Royal and the pens are more aesthetically pleasing -- to touch and view!
Just because I'm Buddhist, I don't have to renounce EVERYTHING, do I? sure hope not!
The Royal is sitting on an old trunk in my library room, and next to it that is my Mom's 1935 Argus (high school facebook from Ottumwa, Iowa.)
The pens are a few of my FAVS... the beer coaster (you can't read) says "A Fine Day's Catch" I think a cache of pens is a much better catch!! A Year to Live, is Dawnene's current project and LOOK is the 1000 journals project that inspired my AKS Great Give-away!
As a Buddhist and collector of all things office supplies, I like to think that my collections are of useful things and not just stuff that takes up space. Rationalization! : )
Hehe. Think of them as "Vajra Pens" and I think it will be ok. . .
hmmmm I answered yesterday and NO idea where my comment went. Well, to TMC I said, "Collectors? Rationalizations? Kleshas? We don't have any of those, do we??" Big smiley ;)" and to Adam, "Vajra "lightening bolt" pens... ha!
I did want to say a bit more about overcoming addictions and habits -- VERY difficult. In the beginning I could only go moment to moment. The gaps became longer and longer. Isn't that just like mediation? At first we can't find the gap (in our mental chatter), but with time the calm lasts longer and longer. PRACTICE -- or as Pema says, staying with the queasy, uneasy feeling. Eventually, it subsides. It can take a loooong time, but that is how we change habits, or start new ones, right? Thanks fellow travelers on the path!! Namaste!
love the picture! love how everything in the pic has special meaning, both in the Royal pic AND the pen pic. retro indeed ;)
Yep, Creativi TEA from you, Mobah and our LOOK journal project, even Patti Smith peaking at the pens ;)
(you really have to look for that one.) I "assume" folks know to click and enlarge pics. I'll sign off here with the AKS book link.
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