Sunday, December 23, 2007

Holiday Spirit

The Solstice was 12.21 at 11:08 pm MST. I celebrated with my annual ritualistic practice of burning the old and welcoming the new energies for a new year. I believe the Winter Solstice is not only the shortest, but final day of the cycle we call a year. It was a wonderful day for me. A group of us went to the BioPark for lunch. We sat amidst the festive holiday decorations, looking at the giant aquarium and the creatures living there, enjoying each other's company and blessing this holiday season and the new year. An Attitude of Gratitude; that's a beautiful theme for the coming year. If I can foster that feeling, stay in the moment and be grateful for all I have, that will be a true blessing.

I am blessed to be alive. I had a close call in 2007 and spent the year changing my eating and other habit patterns. I never was a heavy smoker, but I have not smoked now for over 10 months. I haven't had a coke, fries, trans fatty food, and haven't played poker (sigh) -- it's been a lot of difficult changes. Yes, I feel better physically, and now it's time to feel better mentally.

I get caught up in the swirl of negativity at work, and feeding on it with others. My sincere wish for this Christmas season, calendar New Year and the Precession of the Equinoxes is to let go of anger, negativity, and too much "forward focus." I have looked forward to 2008 for several years. It marks the final year of "Prison" (aka, government job.) But, as we know, Freedom is a state of mind. Change your mind, change your life. I can be free now.

As I sit here surrounded by my Taoist books and tapes, Cameron creativity books, Progoff life analysis and "the Secret," I know intellectually how to do this. Think positive thoughts. We manifest our reality through our thoughts. I know how the Law of Attraction works. I simply need to DO IT! Just like I changed my physical habits, I need to change my mental habits.

So, I didn't post pictures of me and Izzi taking van trips (which we did again -- to lakes and mountain retreats), and I didn't recap my activities as a government webmaster or IT Project Manager because in my most favorite term "who gives a ratz azz" (really), and I didn't even link to the new video I produced for the County (ok so I will now: "Bringing the Best Together") I spent ALL of November doing NaNoWriMo (novel writing, again.) All you have to do to see my life in review is scroll through the posts here or on the old blog.

But, the most important thing is what's happening right now this season. Can we please have PEACE and Gratitude, not war and misery. For those of you in Iowa, please vote for John Edwards. He is the best kept Secret! Happy Holidays and P E A C E ! (to everyone of all faiths and locations.)

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