Sunday, December 2, 2007

the Best Place in the Universe

I better make this entry good. (Search engines may find it.) Apparently life forms from all over the Galaxy are focused once again on New Mexico. You know, just like they were in 1947 (after we made the bomb) and then detonated it at White Sands. Word is when the alien rubber-neckers crashed at Roswell back then, they were actually just gawking at our beautiful state. Now, we know they were hoping to prevent us from blowing ourselves up. Even Marvin (the Martian) knew that! Anyway, "they're back." Better check out the videos. I don't know how to link directly to them from the official Tourism site, so here's the famous Alien Ad on You Tube.

I actually had to contact the state Tourism office and suggest they use a more friendly alien, not the Reptilian variety that munch down on us and do weird cattle experiments. You'd think after all the contact here our tourism folks would know all this. New Mexico -- gotta love it. It's Weird and Cosmic! Why else would I be here ;)

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