Friday, February 13, 2009

lots of zeros

I heard this week that if YOU spent a million dollars every day since our Christian calendar began, in other words 2-thousand and nine years, that would be about 733 billion dollars. That's less than the stimulous bill being passed tonight. Truly mind boggling! Try to imagine spending a million dollars every day of your life, let alone over two thousand years. We wouldn't hit a trillion for another 250 years or so.

I can't fathom what this is doing to our national debt, but I do realize something must be done. I did email the Whitehouse earlier this week, begging for this package to focus on infrastructure, new energy technologies (like solar and wind, rather than propping up the antiquated smoke-stack and fossil fuel industries) and jobs.

If you missed "House of Cards" on CNBC, it's mandatory viewing. Unfortunately it's a slow start, but eventually David Faber does an excellent job of explaining the bank and credit crisis. For the first time, I truly understand just how toxic the CDOs and bad loans are. I can't believe the mortgages that were being approved and sold as Triple A investments. Those "structured" investments were just as much a Ponsi scheme as Madoff's mess. Pension funds (I hope not PERA) relied on those high ratings. I'd like to see people go to jail -- the greedy zeros that ruined our entire economy -- but that would be hundreds of thousands of white collar criminals. The cost of ajudicating them and housing them on top of the current crisis really points out how screwed our economy is. I wonder if it's possible to fix this global nightmare. Yes, it is Friday the 13th.

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