Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Day One of Phase II

Today is the first "official" day of my government retirement. Until now I was still "tethered" to red tape, paperwork, phone calls, insurance, etc. I have met all the requirements, done all the paperwork, and I am letting go! Deep exhalation!

Here is my path ahead - the Tao. It's simply "what is." The natural way. Rise with the Sun, sit with the cool morning air to meditate/journal, do yoga or ride my bicycle. During midday, do what needs to be done, or travel, or work on my novel, or do art, take a class, whatever i choose! In the evening, do T'ai Chi with sunset and stargaze at night! What more could one want??

I certainly give thanks for my health, that I am not in the fires of California, nor suffering financially; that I have everything I need (and more.) I feel very blessed on this day. It was a gamble -- "a crap shoot" I used to say -- whether staying in one government job was the thing to do. Was I giving up too much staying there? As I feel on this day, NO! I am FREE! I can travel or just relax and enjoy this wonderful "world class" weather (in New Mexico.) Freedom, the Tao -- what a glorious sensation!

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