Saturday, February 6, 2010

Green Tea, honestly!

Sorry to harp on this again, but really. After catching part of Palin's "gag me" keynote in Nashville, I can't refrain from begging for Al Gore to keynote a Green Tea Party Convention. She revs up the crowd with name-calling: those "godless elitists" running the country, and encourages her fantatical followers by assuring them that they are the Patriots, the Mavericks and the Faithful.
The Tea party had one solid platform before tonight -- fiscal responsibility. But, now that the tea baggers wrapped themselves in the flag and claim God for themselves, and yet are blatantly racist, they need to go down with the old Boston harbor ships. (see more ranting in my update on the original Tea Party plea below.)

I'm for a Taos-based progressive Green Tea movement. It would be all about sustainable green energy sources, not "drill baby" BS. We would rally around conservation, not conservative, platforms. And, we could include legalizing the real "green" (banned plants) and recoup some revenue from those lost millions, and stop the border blood shed at the same time. Intelligence and innovation should be applauded not criticized with silly six-pack jokes. We already had eight miserable years of good ole boy politics. And, I'm sad to say Obama is a little late to realize how his administration was heading into the same rut.

I know Gore can't be the candidate, but nothing would energize a Green Tea Party like a rousing keynote from him. All the environmental rock stars could and should jump on this quickly and stop this Nazi-type nonsense from gaining any more momentum.

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