Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Where have I been? I learned this term today from John Kerry, of all people? Either he or I got it wrong at first. I thought he said "LBGT" -- but I googled and found LGBT has been around since the 90's! I like it. I never cared for the term "gay" which always sounded like an old 50's musical to me. And, it wasn't very inclusive. This pretty much covers the gamut. Well, maybe not. I was thinking of an acronym that would cover Alternative Species Sex. Well, see, there you have it. No, don't blame me... I can't help it. I was born to be a dog, but I'm in a human body. Can I have a species-change operation? Really, I was actually thinking of aliens -- like non humans. I was born to be a giant bug-eyed insect! Anyway, from now on it's so easy. You're either an LGBT or an ASS.

1 comment:

mo said...

after reading some of the posts on the "true blood" forum threads,
this site became my new best friend:

otherwise i found myself perpetually confused by some of the postings. we all know "lol", "imho" or "imo", but "ETA"? i always thought that meant
estimated time of arrival, but no-o-o-o, in the context of online forums, it means "edited to add", LOL

my other new favorite acronym is BDI (Baltic Dry Index), but that's
another conversation for another day, ROTFLMAO ;)