Thursday, January 29, 2009

"it is Shameful!"

Thank you, President Obama. It IS shameful. It IS the height of irresponsibility. (click the title above for his comments.) These arrogant Capitalists have two choices -- if you want government bail out money, then curb your excessive (outrageous) spending and show some signs of truly trying to solve your internal problems, or spend as you want, but don't ask for a hand-out. I may have reacted strongly (prior post) but Good Grief, do these multi-million (Billion Dollar) executives have any common sense at all?

For years I've said there is no such thing as common sense, and this national debate should prove it. I was yelled at today for my comments (by a Republican) who supports Capitalism. Great -- support it, but what kind of capitalism sends executives to Washington for hand outs and then thumbs its nose at the public who pays for their negligence with such gross, ridiculous wasteful spending?? It's pure, audacious GREED! Banks and financial institutions propping themselves up on the backs of the working class who can barely make ends meet -- sickening, and I'm truly about to stop paying taxes and go to court if need be.

I beg for someone to post a calm, rational explanation of how I can be wrong on this. All this fuss over Blago, and I think these miserable corporate crooks are so much worse. Blago was just bragging and cussing, these bastards are ruining the entire WORLD economy. But, we're the fools for propping them up. I want to STOP!

Yes, I was willing to go along with the first bail out, but that's when I thought we were trying to solve a crisis. This IS the crisis now. I'm just thankful we have a President ready to stand up to it. Yes we can -- stop them, and let's start now.

And, on another wasteful topic, it's about time we change the daily US postal delivery. I've been ready for this for two years. People who want immediate delivery can pay for overnight or second day, otherwise, why not just have delivery a couple of days a week. The world is changing -- use email and online payments. Its' ridiculous to have men and women trudging up and down the street every day delivering junk mail at government expense. We can't afford it and it's totally unnecessary.

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