Friday, December 17, 2010

Day 17: Lesson Learned

"What was the best thing you learned about yourself this past year? And how will you apply that lesson going forward?" is today's question from Reverb10.

PEACE is an inner process.

It's the primary message of my novel and that wasn't true until this year. No one can give you happiness or peace, you must find it yourself. The most stunning example to me was in a buddhist teaching where one of the yogis actually searched for difficult trials and tribulations so he could further his practice of patience and remaining peaceful. I still get aggravated over the most insignificant thing. Just this morning I walked outside to enjoy our rare snow-kissed landscape. It was quiet and I wanted to snap a few shots before it began melting. Here came a low rider down the street (at 7 am) blasting rap music. I did not remain peaceful.

Then when I came back in to download the snow pics, I saw this random quote when I opened up my computer: "Have faith in the way things are. Love the world as your self, then you can care for all things." -- Tao te Ching (loosely translated ;) Can I ever do that? Or even have Maitri (self acceptance) as Pema reminds us to work on. sigh... I'm a work in progress. I must accept that for now.

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