Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Day 28: Achievement

My biggest achievement in 2010? Without a doubt publishing my novel. Hands down. It was at least twenty times more difficult and time consuming than I ever imagined, and that was AFTER having a rough draft of nearly 90 thousand words! The editing, the re-editing, the logistics and layout, and hassles of publishing. GADS! But that won't stop me from doing it again in 2011 ;) This time a non-fiction effort. Thanks to NaNoWriMo I have 50K words of rough material so I can start the laborious editing again. Either you love that stuff or you hate it. I guess I love it. As for the current status of AKS book, an eBook will be coming soon and this fun development: book blog

1 comment:

ZenWoman said...

I know I didn't do the prompt exactly "right" this time, but just checking to see who reads this. Does anyone even read or care what I write -- here, Fbook, book blog, or hell, even the novel? Oh sure, I have some diehard fans and I do appreciate them (you know who U R ;) As for new folks, I guess we'll see when the Otaku issue comes out ;)