Saturday, December 18, 2010

Day 18: No Try, DO!

Bad Reverb10, for saying TRY. Those of us who grew up with Star Wars KNOW we either Do or DO not. Yoda wisdom:

It is self-defeating to say "I'll try." It usually never happens. You know, "I'll try to stop by." yeah, right. "I'll TRY to quit drinking, smoking, eating junk food." You know you won't, not until you declare you WILL do something and give it your all. Commitment is the key to success. If you want to change a habit or develop a new one, it takes extreme determination, not a wimpy "I'll try." Sorry, Reverb, I understand experimenting with things. "I'll try this color, or that scarf." But you asked, "...what happened when you did/didn't GO FOR IT" implying a real effort of some sort. And, if it's worth going for, do it NOW. Why wait til next year? Agree, disagree or have your own opinion? Post away!

1 comment:

ZenWoman said...

BTW, I always link to the #reverb10 prompt in the title, so to read it just click there. Funny how some things really strike us. I could have politely talked about my other book (actually two of them) of daily prompts that I already started, but the word TRY just gets to me -- like some fleeting FAD or lame attempt.